Saturday, July 11, 2009


"If you love something set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be."
I've heard several good quotes this week.
When something like that is spoken, a new kind of clarity enters life, even in the midst of turmoil and change. Since coming home and even before, I have watched my life completely change seasons, and it hit me that a year or two ago I never would have foreseen life leading this way. For instance, my dad moving to a different state for a job. Or that my many years of accumulated memories that cover my bedroom walls and ceiling would be taken down prematurely so that my room can become a hospice. Realizing one of my best friends has spent almost an entire year in a foreign country with very little contact. That I would hug another friend goodbye before he enters a war somewhere far away.
So now I'm in the middle of purging my room of stuff, stuff, and more stuff. Me. The possession whore that I am. I even considered buying a dress and shoes today, which means cleaning amnesia has set in. I spent hours sifting through my overstuffed closet, and even that did not cure my shopping affinity. I'm going to Mexico soon. Not the nice tourist beach Mexico, but the third-world U.S. neighbor just miles south of our border. A healthy dose of seeing those who have a tiny fraction of my possessions being far happier than I am should put life in perspective.
Maybe then I'll start relaxing. Start enjoying the relationship in my life that has more potential than I can dream of. Maybe looking for things to be perfect will change to being thankful they aren't.

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