Sunday, August 9, 2009

If life was a garden, sin is the army of slugs that kill your tomatoes

By God's grace, I'm back in San Diego well before I planned. After several weeks of watching everything I thought was real in my life disintegrate, I finally feel somewhat normal again. My wonderful friend Liz is living just down the hall, and my two best friends from home are also here in town, so yesterday turned out to be a joy instead of a disappointment. The lovely Dana Riley and I had a marvelous evening of sushi and chick flicks to start this new chapter of my life on a good note. Today was wonderful too, waking up at Dana's, then going to Starbucks with her and her mommy. Amazing people if I do say so myself. Then the overwhelming task of decorating the entirety of Nease hall started, and here I am back in the crazy busy life that I left behind three less than three short months ago.

Summer was hell, and I'm still in a lot of pain from it. I almost want to start a bowl of happiness rocks like in the book Stargirl. But I know that the amount would never be accurate, because my mood changes hour by hour. Life is messy, that is one thing we're guaranteed in this life. But yesterday and today have shown me that hope can come out of any situation. Life doesn't stop happening unless you let it, and I won't do that again.

And so with the ocean outside my window, close friends all around me, and walking with God by my side again, this new chapter of life is bound to bring happiness, fullness, and joy once again.

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