Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eyes are so beautiful in the sunlight

Here's another eve of a Vegas New Year's Eve. So much has changed since the last, and I love the introspection that comes with reflecting on a year past. It was probably the worst year I can remember, so it's with prayer and hope that the new year is welcomed for me. I've learned so much about myself, about God, about life... never thought I'd end up where I am now. Every plan I had got flipped upside down, and confidence and peace has finally taken residence in the shattered remnants of the past. God broke my heart that was broken without my knowing. He broke it to reset it to grow back together in a healthy way; a way that loves Him and that brings me happiness and peace. I learned the keys to life are love and faith, without which everything falls apart.

I love the things that haven't changed too. Like having friends that are friends no matter what. I am so blessed that every time I come home I know that there are people I will feel warm and safe with. Also, having a family that is crazy, but so special. Knowing they'll make me smile, laugh, annoyed, and frustrated, but above all else, loved.

God and Time heal all things. I am so surprised and blessed at the capacity I have to love again, when I never thought I could. Surprised and blessed that God would bring someone amazing and special into my life, whom I feel like I've known forever and a day. To know a person other than my Grandpa and God sees me as a princess.. it's far more than I deserve.

I'm working on a dress for a party tomorrow night, thankfully I have an excuse to make something on a deadline. Kelly and I are getting tattoos on Friday!!!! So exciting. I've been listening to new Flyleaf, and it's so incredible. This break has already flown by, and I feel like I haven't done very much yet. It took a whole week to feel at home again, but now that I do, I'm excited to move back home for the summer. Haven't broken any bones... still have all my teeth.. life is good. I've lost my ability to stay up the whole night without being super tired, so unfortunate.

Here's to 2010 being really great.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

With a making smile, he placed one hand upon my shoulder

The past few weeks have been some of the craziest ever. My lovely Dana Beth returned home early from Europe, and it has been such a blessing having her home. I've been trying to keep my planner straight, because it's completely filled up until I head home next weekend. Amidst all the Christmas parties, insane coastal storms, and school work, life is never boring.

A few weeks ago I also dared to let go of my life, and gave it completely to God, trusting that He had a plan for me. After months of struggling emotionally and relationally, I just gave up after reading in Romans about having faith like Abraham. It gave me tremendous peace reading that, and then my life began to change.

It's been hard surrendering completely, because I had hung on by my fingertips to my plan for so long. I don't want to cause pain to anyone, and it's a bit scary still. But I have peace about it all, and I'm excited to see where life leads :)