Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"I can finally ask a girl out for a drink. And it doesn't mean milk or a caf refill anymore"

My blog worthy venture for today is the shirt I made. I got up early, had a productive morning and went to class, then spent the next 7 hours sewing. Dane and Megs were in an out of the house the whole time, which was fun and mixed it up. We got sushi at the original Sushi Deli, which was a lot of fun. I had the Mexican roll, and then it hit me. I like cilantro now. I used to absolutely despise cilantro. But slowly but surely it has been creeping it's way into my palate as of late. Then today, as I was staring at my roll, tasting delicious shrimp tempura, avacado and cilantro, my eyes were suddenly opened.

I made a shirt today that started off way different than it finished. I'm happy with it though, I mixed black jersey and embroidery thread to lace up the back. I'm going to wear it to a show tomorrow night.

Titanic was just on, and a completely stoned kid just used a Netty Pot in our bathroom. Epic times.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I just took my slippahs off

Life is happening so quickly, I feel like I never stop to process it all. It occured to me over the past few days that if I'm not living my life each day in a way that merits something worth writing about, I need to change it up a little bit. However, the problem hasn't been a lack of things to write about, but rather a lack of me taking that needed time for reflection.

The housing situation has been hectic and frustrating, because apparently nobody things six girls can function together in a small house. We did have the privilege of listening to two old schoolteacher give us a 2 hour lesson on plankton during a house viewing though. Quite an interesting topic I must say. It's a faith journey for sure, and I'm blessed to have a great place to stay in the time being.

Last week and this past weekend were brimming with crazy new people and experiences. I started my work at the Mingei International Museum on the Zandra Rhodes exhibit, which has been an amazing experience so far. I ironed for 14 hours, and today spent an entire day dressing a large army of white mannequins. I am so blessed to get to see all of the garments, and to learn so much about them while I'm working with them. My favorite dress of all times is a punk wedding dress she did in 1979 that I found in a book over the summer in London. And today I got to put that very dress on a mannequin. So much fun!

I had coffee with a friend, met two new friends, and played tourist this weekend. Saturday I took three of the youth group girls to get piercings at Seth's Chop Shop. They had fun, and I ended up having tea with Seth and his friend Julian in the upstairs music studio. Later that day, we met our random houseguest Bryan, and he turned out to be quite the wonderful new friend. I went with him, Sara, and Nikki to Ivy in the Gaslamp for a Jedediah art show that benefitted Invisible Children. It was on the roof of the club, complete with a pool and a huge spray painted wall. After that we wandered around and counted bachelorette parties, then got burritos.

Sunday I went to Existence, and church was amazing. My favorite worship leader was singing, and it was soooo good. The message challenged me to be bold in sharing my faith, which is something I've been growing in a lot lately. After church, I went to see Seth again about a monk and some tea, and he ended up cutting my hair for me. After this was the house viewing that went awry, then hanging out at the house competing with Nikki, Kendall, and Bryan on National Geographic Kids quizzes online. When homework was done, Sara, Nikki, Bryan and I went for a night swim. It was my first time in the ocean this year, and I'm not sure why I don't do that more.

Last night after class I went to Meaghan's house for some low key list making for our arts and crafts projects. But then Merrilee had to find free records on Craigs List and got us started on an insane adventure to Chula Vista. Long story short, we went the wrong way, had the records sold to someone else before we got there, and went to the wrong Taco Bell. 46 miles, 20 dollars, 91 new records, and the 5 dollar box at Taco Bell. And we listened to the Bird and the Bee and had great conversation. So all in all it was completely worth the shadiness.

Praise God for prayer. We talked about it tonight in youth group. We are so privileged as believers to have direct access to our father any time we want. And what a wonderful Father we have! After this summer, I have no doubt that prayer is ridiculously real and powerful in both the big and the small. I want to get into the daily discipline of asking the Lord to each day reveal to me His blessings and who He wants me to bless. And not only that, but that He would bring me into many situations daily where I can share His name and have my faith tested and grown. I feel like a lot of the tensions of the past week could have been solved if I had prayed about everything that happened before I acted. But I'm going into this week trying to do that, so we'll see what happens :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

we got the fat one and the runt of the litter

I find it amazing how life changes so much week to week. The entire climate of it can be so different all the time. I went home to Vegas again this past weekend to clear my head and to see my family and friends, whom I've been missing dearly. It's hard feeling so at home in two different places. The UNLV game was amazingly fun on Saturday night, and it was my first state school sporting event. It was strange to be there and imagine what my life would have been like the past few years if I'd stayed home and gone to school there on the full ride scholarship I had. I can picture myself there.. but at the same time, a whole amazing part of my life here in San Diego never would have happened.

Today was a big design day for me, and I'm super excited to start working on my collection for this season. My goal is to find space to do it by this weekend, because I'm itching for some creative flow to start happening. There are so many ideas I've had that need to actually happen, so hopefully pictures soon :)