Saturday, January 30, 2010

"a womans heart should be so lost in God, it takes a man of God to find her"

So last year about this time I was trying to plan my summer out. I had so many open doors, so many opportunities, and I knew for certain that something life changing was going to happen. And so it did, though not at all how I expected.
Right now I'm planning this next summer, but praying for God to guide every step, and that He will give me what my heart really needs. Today my world got turned upside down with plans for the future, and I somehow jumped between thoughts of being a summer RA, camp counselor, retail working beach bum, an international student, and a missionary, all within the past two days.
The future is now just so scary! I'm trying to figure out how I can swing graduating early and am now planning to go to London for 10 weeks this summer to take fashion courses, and to do an internship there. I also have a fashion show next month, an internship with a highly acclaimed designer for next school year, and a senior show to work towards. It paid to be on top of things, and my control freak nature served me well for once.
But in the midst of everything, I long for God to draw near to me as I seek out where He wants me. I desire the contentment that only He can bring, as people falter on either side of me. I want to rely on Him for inner strength and happiness in a world that is full of lies and false dreams. I want to be complete in Him, so that I have the strength and courage to build others up without needing anything in return.
Each day should be lived like the blessing it is. Waking up to the waves crashing, in a body that is fully functional, surrounded by people who love and need to be loved. There are so many ways to live out a day. I hope there aren't too many that pass me by when I don't realize that.
So with hands clasped in prayer, I'll greet tomorrow with a refreshed spirit that my God will help me thrive through everything that is required of me over the next year. Because He is the one with the blueprints I have yet to see.


  1. I love you. I long for the same thing sister. Life is such an amazing blessing I constantly take for granted. But when the worlds glamour tries to take me away, God reminds me, its all a show, a show that won't make our hearts sing the way He does. God is our only hope. I'll be praying God will make it clear what you should do this summer.

  2. this is beautiful. so so beautiful just like you. i love you so much my dear.

  3. thank you so much lovelies. It is such a blessing to have wonderful friends like you. I am so very thankful for you both!
