Monday, January 24, 2011

Cabaret? Is that like the wine?


It's one of the things that shapes you the most during college and the single years afterwards.

I have two right now.

We live in a one bedroom apartment a mile from Ocean Beach.

Stef is the cynical realist with a super sweet heart beneath it all.

She's going to law school soon.

Megan is the sports fanatic with blonde hair who's secretly black beneath it all.

She's getting her masters to be a P.E. teacher.

Together the three of us are very different, but this has been my favorite place to call home since moving out. I laugh all the time, I love coming home, and I appreciate them for being good sisters in Christ.

We sleep on the floor in our lovely bedroom. It's like a sleepover every night. And if we happen to all go to bed at the same time, we don't fall asleep for hours because of how much we giggle. I feel sorry for the man that lives next door.

Our little home is full of warm candles, hilarious quotes from Megan, Yoga Booty Ballet and Workout with Bob, movies, back alley finds, and love.

I know I'll always look back on this as one of the most fun times of life, and it reminds me that God has a purpose for everything. This season of life has turned out far different than I expected, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm not sure quite yet where God wants me in the long run, but for right now, I'll enjoy hearing the ocean outside my window.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you 3 live in a one bedroom apartment. That is so neat! And so close to the ocean. How wonderful!
