Wednesday, September 30, 2009


here I am

strung out on some weak caffeine

letting the high lift me up to the

place my happy memories



happiness emanates a peace

so serene

that the sallow sickly part of me

crawls back into hiding.

relaxing I descend

into that old me

the me who is happy

the me who is free


for nothing more

than the sun on hair

the wind in my face

the sounds

of autumn

though as the high fades

my projected consciousness

returns to

the present

leaving me longing

for my next trip


Thursday, September 24, 2009

still a scavenger, picking up the pieces left from the explosion..

I'm ready to go on the Youth Staff retreat this weekend :) Two tests down, and some sleepless nights later, this week is already over. So quickly.

I found the OC season one online.. and I've been procrastinating sooo much because I love it :)

I'm sure God is going to show me some amazing things this weekend, we'll see what those things are. I got called optimistic today, which made me quite happy. I'm still salvaging the pieces of myself that have been lost, however I'm becoming more complete every day.

Jaime and I had a fun adventure yesterday. Dug in the dirt for my science class experiment, met some new people, called a tow truck. It was great.

Fire alarm should be pulled any minute now... but there's ice cream afterwards :) yummy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eloisa to Abelard

I was going to start this last night because I was so inspired, but it was too late for that to be justified. On a whim I decided to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind again, a movie I haven't watched since high school. Something about my current circumstance probably spurred me into this. Anyways, epic movie. If you haven't seen it, here's the gist:

Two people named Joel and Clementine meet at a party and fall in love. (This is sort of not the way it goes, because the movie starts at the end and skips around a lot.) So Joel is quiet, Clementine quirky, and their relationship is full of crazy fun moments, and love abundant. But somewhere along the line, things start to become mundane. They start fighting, and picking out all the things they don't like about each other. They become "one of those boring couples you feel sorry for at restaurants." And one night, after angry words are said, Clementine leaves Joel, and decides to erase him from her memory. Yes. There is a doctors office that erases painful memories.

When Joel finds out what she's done, he's heartbroken, and asks to have the same procedure done to himself. He brings everything that reminds him even slightly of Clementine to the doctor, and they trace his memories of her from the most recent, back until the day they meet.
That night, as the procedure begins, Joel starts to see back into the days when love was prevalent over anger, back into the memories he treasures with Clementine. As she starts to disappear, he realizes that his love for her goes deeper than anything that could bother him about her, that his life is complete with her. In a sense, he falls in love with her all over again, and wants to stop getting erased. In the end, when he knows he's about to lose the memory of her forever, he know that he wishes he could do things differently.

And they somehow find each other in the end, find out what happened. And even knowing that they'll come to find things about each other that they can't stand, they are still in love, and choose to accept that to be together.

I cried at the end, because of several things. One is that I've done that. I've been the one to lose sight of love and instead start focusing on all the bad things. Another is that I feel like it's inevitable in a way, because we're all imperfect human beings. We're bound to find things in our significant others that we don't like. So what do we do with that? I love how this is addressed in the movie, because I think that is what true love is. The kind of love that doesn't end in divorce or heart break. It's getting the shock of finding out the person you love isn't going to always be what you want, but learning to just let the good overcome the bad. It's knowing that you'll always have those good things to fall back on, and maybe all we need is a little push down memory lane to get fresh perspective.

Despite how much they hurt each other, love overcame it all. Despite falling into a pattern of just going through the motions of life, they came out together and on top. The first time you see all of these things happen is the hardest. It's the big hurdle you have to get over to have a much easier time the rest of the race. I don't think I can do this without God's help, and I know I'll fail more than once more, but it's still a hopeful thought.

Hope is what I need right now, and I'm finding it little by little, in the oddest places. Like watching that movie. I feel like things are moving forward, looking up, getting better. I just need a lot of wisdom and a fair amount of patience. But I know I can love again, and that things can get better. There's always hope, and nothing is too big for God. Nothing at all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Hair Jaime. You know hair is the most important thing to me."

In 2 Corinthians, where it talks about the fruit of the Spirit, the one that I never really thought about was faithfulness. Until this morning. Why is it you only really notice things like that when you mess them up so badly? So when I started to think about what that means, I realized that relationships with both God and people apply directly to faithfulness. God cares and loves me even when I don't feel Him, when He is silent. I know He's still there and that He is with me. Do I get distracted by other things that lead me to act otherwise? Unfortunately, yes. And I do the same with people. I want to have that faithful heart, that does not waver when I can't feel the love or presence of God. I want to do the same in my relationships, even when I feel wronged or hurt. I know I'd ask that of the people I love, to continue to remember that I care, even when I make mistakes and don't seem like I do.

My prayer is to get through a week without hurting someone I care about. I just read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and the character I relate to the most is Carmen. The one who laments her fiery attitude and lack of control over her tongue. It's an unpleasant mirror to look into. I would recommend this book though, because it's amazing. I'm on to the second one right now, and it's great.

At six flags the other night, one of my favorite rides was the swings. There were only four of us one it, so it felt very peaceful, and fairylike. With my feet swinging in the air high above the ground, I was thinking about my fairytale. The one I want. Wanting to have true love, and not knowing what that feels like feels like a hard thing at the time. But far worse is having true love, and watching it go awry. I notice the things in couples now that they probably don't even think about. How they stand close to each other. How he looks at her like he's the luckiest person in the world to be holding her hand. So effortless. Half of me thinks it's amazing, while the other half of me wants to go ask them if it's real. If they can really make that last forever, because love is not as easy as it seems. I have faith that will happen for me. Sometime.

See Sabs. I really was right freshman year ;) I'm right back to where I started.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pedro and His Talking Pinata Talk Sacrifice...

I know you, who are you now?
Look into my eyes if you can’t remember
Do you remember?

I can see, I can still find
you’re the only voice my heart can recognize
But I can’t hear you now,

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

And how can I pretend to never
know you like it was all a dream? No
I know I’ll never forget the way I always felt
with you beside me, and how you loved me then, yeah

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

You led me here, then I watched you disappear
You left this emptiness inside and I can’t turn back time

No! Stay! Nothing compares to you
nothing compares to you
I can’t let you go
can’t let you go
I can’t let go

I can never be the same,
not after loving you,
not after loving you,

I’ll never be the same I’m caught inside
the memories of promises of yesterdays
and I belong to you
I just can’t walk away ‘cuz after loving you
I can never be the same

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Visiting a place called South Park

First off, I find it amazing that we have a part of town called South Park. I'm rather upset I didn't know about this sooner. I'm sitting in Rebecca's coffee shop drinking some Moroccan Mint tea and enjoying the cushy couch and relaxed atmosphere. I'd recommend it if you want some local art, a variety of choices as to where you sit, and free wifi.

Today has been a fun and tiring day. I went for a run and listened to a sermon that really hit home. Part of it was about how, in the face to speaking up for God, we sometimes get scared and shrink away. I realized that I do that a lot, and in other areas of my life as well. Take surf class on Thursday for example. It was a horrible day with way too much wind and getting thrashed by the white wash on the way out. After forty five minutes of getting completely beat up and having my bathing suit decide not to stay on, I got out to regroup. But instead of going back out to finish the class, I ended up sitting on the beach with a friend, then leaving early, and I felt terrible after. I knew I should have sucked it up and stayed out for the whole class, so I felt like a coward and a wimp the whole day after. How much more fulfilled I would have been if I'd just had the patience and courage to stay longer.

The same goes for my relationship with God. If I back down from an opportunity I have to tell someone about Him, or to give Him glory just because I'm uncomfortable, I get the same ashamed, wimpy feeling. I know that I should take the leap and step out of my comfort zone, because I will feel proud of the result. Hopefully this realization will lead to a change in my life, because I don't want to live in fear or in a way that doesn't glorify my master and maker.

Life to come is so exciting! Next weekend one of my best friends is coming to visit, and I'm going with the Youth Group to Magic Mountain. God is faithful and good, and I keep learning new things and getting the opportunity to practice them. Life is so much easier to deal with when you know the hard or annoying times really are good practice of being who God wants me to be.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

up down and all around crazy love

The year is in full swing at last, with my planner full and each day scheduled weeks in advance. But I am so at peace this year, without the stress and grind that characterized my last school year. I'm super excited because I'm starting as a youth leader for the high school youth group at First Church. Ministry is a piece of my life that has been sorely lacking the past two years, and I've felt the gradual decline of my soul as it's purpose has gone by the wayside. The kids are wonderful, and I feel like I have so much more to live for now.

I'm reading Crazy Love right now, and it's playing right into these transitions in my life. I'm meeting people who are on the same mission to live simply, wholly devoted to serving God in every way and part of life. I feel pangs of regret for every person I've encountered over the past two years that I didn't share God's love with. That I didn't invite to join my church community and to experience a way to show love for others. And in that, I'm praying for a second chance. That maybe by some miracle I'll run into them again. I know a few people who were hit hard by the chapter in the book on lukewarm Christians, and I am now one of them. It's a heavy blow to the heart and mind to realize that I've been living so selfishly and for myself, stuck in my own little world not wanting to acknowledge God's much bigger plan.

God's timing is perfect. He knows when things need to happen for us to be most fulfilled, and to be ready for them. Taking His advice also works out for the best. I've struggled with loving others who don't love me back, and the Bible commands us to do that. So in an effort to follow that command, it's amazing how much fulfillment there is. I can be fulfilled completely by serving God, no matter what the circumstance, or the people involved. So amazing.

I'm so excited about life now, with my amazing girls on the hall, and my wonderful roommate. We've already had so many adventures, and I can't wait for all the others that will come :)