Saturday, September 12, 2009

Visiting a place called South Park

First off, I find it amazing that we have a part of town called South Park. I'm rather upset I didn't know about this sooner. I'm sitting in Rebecca's coffee shop drinking some Moroccan Mint tea and enjoying the cushy couch and relaxed atmosphere. I'd recommend it if you want some local art, a variety of choices as to where you sit, and free wifi.

Today has been a fun and tiring day. I went for a run and listened to a sermon that really hit home. Part of it was about how, in the face to speaking up for God, we sometimes get scared and shrink away. I realized that I do that a lot, and in other areas of my life as well. Take surf class on Thursday for example. It was a horrible day with way too much wind and getting thrashed by the white wash on the way out. After forty five minutes of getting completely beat up and having my bathing suit decide not to stay on, I got out to regroup. But instead of going back out to finish the class, I ended up sitting on the beach with a friend, then leaving early, and I felt terrible after. I knew I should have sucked it up and stayed out for the whole class, so I felt like a coward and a wimp the whole day after. How much more fulfilled I would have been if I'd just had the patience and courage to stay longer.

The same goes for my relationship with God. If I back down from an opportunity I have to tell someone about Him, or to give Him glory just because I'm uncomfortable, I get the same ashamed, wimpy feeling. I know that I should take the leap and step out of my comfort zone, because I will feel proud of the result. Hopefully this realization will lead to a change in my life, because I don't want to live in fear or in a way that doesn't glorify my master and maker.

Life to come is so exciting! Next weekend one of my best friends is coming to visit, and I'm going with the Youth Group to Magic Mountain. God is faithful and good, and I keep learning new things and getting the opportunity to practice them. Life is so much easier to deal with when you know the hard or annoying times really are good practice of being who God wants me to be.

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