Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Hold hands." "Looks like we just started a sexual relationship."

I love weeks when God totally blows your mind. The weeks when you feel Him moving things deep inside of you that you thought you had all figured out.

This weekend I spent some serious quality time with a few members of my small group, allowing myself to become more comfortable in sharing my journey with them. It continually astounds me how much of a blessing it is to be in community with people who are striving for deeper meaning and closeness to God in life. Every night for the past five days has ended with me going to bed several hours later than normal because I’ve been caught up in conversation with these friends. Besides being bone tired and exhausted because I’m apparently an old lady now, it’s been amazing.

It is also sex and dating month for the high school youth group I work with every week, and that has also challenged me in ways that I see are foundational to my everyday life and relationship with God. I think my favorite analogy was seeing sex as a 6 ton truck, and a relationship before marriage as a bridge that can only hold 3 tons. If you try to drive the truck over the bridge, it will crumble into pieces. There are so many pieces of advice and wisdom that I’m picking up that I am trying to incorporate into my life, It can be hard when you are in relationship with someone who may be on a different page with it. But I am trusting God to lead me in how to follow Him to the best of my ability.

If I could change one thing about my college experience, it would be to never have gotten out of accountability. To never have put myself in a place where I was not being fed into my good influences and a church family. The things we talk about in youth group are things that seem so obvious and foundational, but yet I walked away from them. All I gained from that was a distorted view of life and a broken heart, and I see how many places I still need to reorient my actions and views back to focusing on Christ. It’s so much harder to refocus that to not lose the focus in the first place

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