Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Mom says I'm her very own alive Barbie Doll"

The Fashion show is finally over! I am so very pleased with how well yesterday went. We started doing hair and makeup at 2, and I had models leaving in groups the whole time for photoshoots with John and Claire. They were such a huge help in making the day go off without a hitch.

There was a lot more down time this year because we were done getting ready so early, which was a big stress reliever. And, the weather waited until this morning to dump rain, so despite the cold, it worked out really well :) A lot of people came, including my family and the wonderful high school girls from my church.

Now I'm just completely spent, though I managed to get my room picked up from the mayhem. I'm so grateful that God helped me get through to the end, even though it was hard to finish.

I've decided to make a final trip up to Provo at the end of March. I had pretty much vowed never to go back, but God has been faithful in healing my heart enough to allow me to go once again to the source of my highest highs and my lowest lows. Chi and I already have some fun things in the works, including a Harry Potter party and human battleship. I get to hang out with several other amazing ladies that I admire so very much. I'm not quite sure how it will go. I'm praying that I will be able to enjoy the memories of all the fun times I had in the beautiful town, and not dwell on the painful ones.

The biggest lesson I've learned from that city is that no matter who you think you should be with, or what you think you should be doing, you'll never be happy unless you're fulfilling the purpose your Creator made you for.

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