Monday, May 10, 2010

I'd rather change my view than dedicate this rhyme to you

Well this has been an interesting couple of days. Friday I finished my visa application.. mostly. I was proud of what I did get accomplished on it. Then Jaime and I ended up having an insane night. It went something like this: Random art festiva

l at NTC, with little kids playing in the big water fountain in their underwear (yes, my children will be allowed to do that.), getting scared by a biker downtown but finding an amazing parking spot, Urban, chocolate decadence and people watching, and drunk girls knocking trashcans off the wall in the Gheradelli bathroom. Then on to tortillas, the Whistlestop to watch a punk girl band and a greaser country band, meeting a guy from Azusa and other really random people, leaving and seeing a homeless man do something really disturbing, and finally.. Robot Chicken and a really awful old horror movie about a swamp monster. So good.

Chocolate is a great restaurant to eat at downt

own if you want dessert or breakfast. Super cute and the waitresses are really nice.

Saturday we had pancakes at Meg Maples house in Hillcrest, which is pretty much the most amazing area. The four of us walked to Peets, got some compliments from gay couples at Mo’s restaurant, and then attempted to hit the American Apparel rumm

age sale in the Gaslamp. Didn’t happen. Went to People’s Food in OB (where I would be happy working until my dying day) and then finished my art final project.

Young Life open mic night was incredible, and so is Paris Je t’aime. As foreign movies go, it’s on of the top on my list.

Sunday funday someone had put bubbles in the fountain at Liberty Station, and they were flying all over the place. It was gorgeous, and that moment should have lasted forever. There’s something about bubbles that make you feel like a kid again. Then we got ice cream at the place across from Rebecca’s in South Park, too rich for me. I love my girls, we had a great mothers day as non-mothers calling our moms and grandmas. I am SO blessed to have such an amazing mother who inspires me all the time.

I ran to the graveyard by Cabrillo and back. It feels so good to be getting back into shape. I always forget how much I love to run when I get out of the habit for a while. But there’s a race in October to train for now, I’m stoked.

Anyways. Fun last weekend in San Diego for a while. Three whole months away, crazy.

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