Thursday, May 20, 2010

Love is..

So I know I'm home when I have really bad allergies, sore muscles from working out with the twins, and some poor backyard animal is captive in my little sisters room.

I think I get my random knowledge from my dad. Today he whipped the location of Liberace's old house, and where Sigfried and Roy live. We drove to both after our New Mexican dinner. The houses are gaudy and ridiculous, and look exactly like I'd imagine for Vegas show people.

Life always gets a bit hazy when I spend a lot of time in my house, so I'm trying to combat it with visiting lots of people and running all the errands I can think up. I'm a little mad because my room just filled up with cigarette smoke from my lovely sibling smoking outside my window. Yuck.

I found a new song I really like today from a band called A Rotterdam November. It's called Love Is, and is yet another reason I LOVE being able to listen to Christian radio when I'm home.

I'm not quite sure why life feels so surreal right now, but this weekend and next week should be quite wonderful. For pure family weekend my mom wants to go hiking at Red Rock, go to the Liberace museum, and watch the Blindside. Amongst other things. Next week I get to see my Jennie and Leslie, and Angels and Airwaves is coming with Say Anything, who I am SO stoked to see. Next Saturday I'm throwing myself a little going away party for a few reasons. One is to see all my close friends at once, and another is to try all the party platter dishes I've been itching to make...

I was thinking of starting a sort of food blog, because of how much cooking I've been doing. I made BBQ chicken pizza the other night that was pretty good for the first time. My vegetable pasta, bruschetta, and parmesan garlic corn all turned out really yummy. I don't know what I'll do when I'm just cooking for one again. Hopefully I'll find a group to cook for while I'm in London, meet some elderly neighbors or something.

My head feels like it's about to blow up from allergies, it's so terrible for the pollen sensitive here. So... lots of allergy meds and sleep for me :)

1 comment:

  1. i lovee you an dmiss you and you better keep up on this blog while you are gone!!!!!!!!!!
