Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I get knocked down, but I get up again

I've had a rather down past few days, but with really high highs thrown in. Pastor Dee talked about Psalm 27 yesterday at church, and spoke about all the darkness we hold in our lives. Darkness of insecurity, fear or not being good enough, not being adequate to do what we want in life, and other similar things. It was amazing to have God speak that into my life, because I'd journaled about it the night before. It's such an unstable time of life, but I know that God is with me, so I should not fear.

Classes keep getting cancelled, and I'm slightly sick with a cough and headache from being stressed for so long, so it all works out. Next week I get to go home for spring break, and I'm going to a show Sunday night by myself. I feel like I do that a lot, because it's so hard to find people who are passionate about the same things as me here. But I don't mind. I'm normally just a nameless face in the crowd, so it fits for me to join the masses while in my own little world. No need to worry about someone leaving you or having to keep track of someone. Just me, myself, and I to take care of.

Looking at experiencing the near future alone isn't as scary if I remember I can just put my mind into God and work. I am a hard worker, and can put my mind to designing for hours on end. It's almost a numbing sensation, which can be quite helpful.

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