Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 12

Today was a slow day. I went in at 10, and found out I would just be hanging out at the shop by myself for almost the whole day. Julia also gave me the "small" job of cutting out a pattern that was just a 4.5 cm/60 cm strip. This turned into almost 4 hours of work, because she wanted as many as I could get out of a bag of scraps. There were a ton of scraps. But I love listening to the radio and being left alone to work, so it was quite peaceful, though monotonous. I also scanned in some design sheets to the computer, and it gave me some ideas on how to make my own, with all the specifications for production. Tom, the man Julia is working with to start his line, came by early and ran around the shop. He looked at the samples I picked up for him, and asked me what I thought about them. He is an interesting guy, really nice, but also very strong willed when it comes to the creative part of things. It's kind of fun to work on the samples for them, because they'll be launched into production eventually and be sold.

I took a short lunch break to get a baguette at Waitrose, which has kind of become my norm. I know it's not super healthy to eat a whole loaf of bread every day for lunch, but I love them so much.

When I got back to the shop, I modeled two dresses for Julia and Tom, and they got into an argument over the strap of the pretty cream cocktail dress. The strap goes over one shoulder and connects to the ruffle down the front left side, and is the focal point that brings the dress together. Julia loved the strap, and Tom didn't like it at all. He has very strong opinions, and I could tell Julia was getting frustrated. I personally thought it would just be like any other strapless cocktail dress without the strap, and I told them that when they asked me. Julia is the designer, and has a strong vision of what will sell and make things unique. Then I changed and watched the shop while they went out looking for ideas on Oxford street for the rest of the afternoon. I dropped off her keys to her at Selfridges after 5, and I get to go in late tomorrow. That's exciting :)

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