Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You walk on streets of gold

I'm finally back in San Diego after a whirlwind week at home. I can't believe it went by so quickly, and so much happened. I got to see Alex for the first time in two years, Jennie got married, and Lauren has a baby now. There was a huge reunion at my house that hasn't happened in two years, and it was amazing seeing everyone and hanging out with my family.

Between jet lag, culture shock, and all the crazy adventures, I can't even remember all that happened last week, but I was incredibly sad to leave. I miss my family and my amazing friends back at home, but I'll be back there in two weeks to pick up more of my stuff.

Yesterday my classes started, and today was my first day interning for Zandra Rhodes. I got there at 10, and they put me to work organizing Zandra's work space. I enjoy organizing things, so it was a lot of fun. Not to mention the place is full of incredible things. Art supplies, sewing supplies, tons of fabric, crazy shoes, and makeup from her MAC line she did. After that I sewed labels for putting in the garments, but I did it all wrong the first time. When I finally figured it out (and used thread wax for the first time) I was ready for lunch. Beach parking was a nightmare, and even though I'm just a block away, I decided to take a nap in my car.

Back inside, I tied knots on the crazy ruffles on this amazing wedding dress someone commissioned Zandra to make, so I had to wash my hands a lot and be very careful. Then I was asked to try to paint and draw designs for fabrics inspired by Zandra's designs for the rest of the day. I have no idea if they'll actually like any of them, but it was fun to do nonetheless. I figured out that if I work 11 hours a week, it's plenty, so I left at 3:30. Christina, the office manager, was really sweet. She told me that when Zandra is actually in, she gets really intense and crazy, and sometimes gets really upset, so I should be prepared.

I'm so excited for youth group tonight, I've missed my girls so much! It's going to be a really fun year.

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