Thursday, July 22, 2010

Internship Days 3,4 & 5

I've been too forgetful and tired to keep up with my journaling the past three days, because I've been working a lot. It's terrible getting behind, because I know that I forget so so much. But here goes.

Day 3:
Today I got to work and was sent straight back to the Polish workshop in Hackney. I knew enough to take the bus this time around, and it was a little less scary because I knew where I was going. This trip was to pick up patterns and extra fabric for 4 garments. It went quickly, and I was back not too long after. Back at the store, I traced patterns for the next few hours, and met the wonderful patternmaker Stephanos. He is from Greece and spent the hours talking about what it is like there. But the best part of the day was when he found out I'm from Vegas. He and Julia both freaked out and said that they had no idea people really lived there. Then I got a lot of weird questions such as "Do you have tacky taste?" and "How do you pay for your water at your house there?"

It was fun, and I got to see him make patterns and drape a skirt, so I learned some things, or at least reinforced some things I already know.

Day 4:
Julia had me open the store for the first time this morning, and I met her at the Euston tube stop to grab the keys for it. She had me cut out a black jersey skirt, then just hang out and mind the shop. I played about 100 games of Spider Solitaire and listened to the entire Arctic Monkeys discography, which was wonderful. When Julia got back, I was sent on an adventure to Liverpool Street to find a haberdashery called William Gee for zips. The buses are getting much easier to use now, which is good, because I've been taking them to a lot of places. After getting the zips there, I went to John Lewis to grab the colors I was missing, then to Rymans for tape. By the time I got back, I was so exhausted. Maybe it's being vegan, or just running around all day in hot weather, I'm not sure. But I will start eating vitamins again.

Day 5:
I opened the shop again today, and set to cutting out a ton of pieces for a dress. It took me almost an hour to get the grain and layout right, but I think it turned out very nicely. I also cut ruffles out of calico, and then ironed and put tags on some Julia Smith shirts. She gave me one, and I love it. I almost bought it online before I started working there actually, because it's organic cotton and made in a fair trade shop in Turkey. I asked Julia about where she gets her recycled fabrics, and she gave me a list of places she uses. Most of them are in the US, which is great for me.

Xana was in again today, she's the other designer that shares the studio space. What a sweet woman, I am so blessed to work with her and Julia. They are kind, thoughtful, and gracious, which is not what I was expecting in my line of work. I hear a lot of horror stories from other people in my class, so I am so happy to be where I am. Julia even made me coffee today and apologized for not having soy milk because she knows I'm vegan. I was so touched, it really made my day. I hope that if I am ever a boss, that I will be just like her.

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