Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why'd you sing with me at all?

Today was pretty much the best day I've had in a while. It was one of those never ending crazy days when life just flows by in a series of wonderfully random events. Starting at 9, I went running with April to Regents park. We ran for an hour and a half exploring the areas around the zoo, running through large flocks of Canadian geese, and finding an outdoor theater where a Macbeth performance was taking place. We sun bathed by a fountain, and looked at the menu in the Queen Mary's Garden Cafe.

After a shower, I went with my roommate Allie and April to the grocery store to start my vegan diet off right. Raw granola bars and soy yogurt will be my best friends in the coming weeks. Then April and I set off on a bus adventure to find the Borough Market and Monmouth coffee company. This led to us walking around Big Ben and Parliment, then following the river Thames on the banks, picking up rocks, silverwear, and pieces of porcelain.

At the market, we tried the hottest chili in the world (unofficially) and got unique coffee at Monmouth. They have a unique brewing process that is a mix between french press and filter coffee. It's a great free trade and organic company, and I mixed in brown raw sugar because I can't drink milk in my coffee unless it's soy. It was strong and delicious, and got me through the rest of the crazy food market. It was unfortunate I had finished my grocery shopping earlier in the day, because the market was full of amazing produce.

On the way back, we walked over the millenium bridge, past St. Paul's cathedral, and got on a bus that got us extremely lost. We got to see half the city on the bus, and ended up right next to where I work. Thus I took April to see where Tony Blaire and Jimmy Choo live, and we walked to another bus stop near school. Finally getting home, I took a nap, then made some vegan goodies for dinner. I'm being careful to get all of my vitamins and minerals, and enough calories.

Around 10 April and I went to a club called the Westbury in Kilborn and met up with our friend Sebastian. It was a neat place, with upscale architecture and good music. We danced for a few hours, then got chips at the kebab place next door. And now I'm unwinding to some Damien Rice before going to bed.

Church at Westminister with my friend Ki tomorrow :) I'm so excited. And praise God for such a wonderful day. For legs that let me run and walk, run, and dance all night. For friends that watch out for me and will go on adventures with me. I'm very blessed.

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