Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Cheers apparently means thank you in Ireland. I learned that today from my Irish friend Porridck (pronounced Porrick.) Today was the official end of my classes here in London! I have been at school almost 12 hours every day apart from weekends the past three or four weeks, and I must say it was more work than I've had in a long long time. The lessons I learned were so good though! I am so blessed to have learned everything, and to have been taught by such wonderful teachers. So watch out world, when I get my sewing machine back, there's going to be some major craziness happening.

This past week or so has been hard spiritually, especially after all that God has been teaching me and showing me. I should have been more prepared for spiritual attacks now that I'm in the ministry I'm in here. Praise God that He has no limit on how many times He can and will pick me up after I fail, which is constantly. I'm trying to not live in my past failures, and to look forward to Him using me despite my shortcomings.

Tonight at Bible study, Pastor Tonye talked about how we are all vehicles (or double decker buses) leading people on a route to God. No bus is perfect, so are creaky or smelly, or just strange, but they can all lead to the right destination. The only ones that aren't good is one going to the wrong destination, or that aren't moving at all. Now that I'm moving again, things are starting to get hard. But that's okay, the joy of God overshadows it all. The sun still burns the shadows out :)

I'm so excited for free time! I'm going to the Tate Modern museum tomorrow, and to check out the Dover market. I can't wait to have time for general things like laundry and grocery shopping, and time for designing and sightseeing. All the stress was worth it because of how much I value my free time now.

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