Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adventures in RA'ing

First few days of school have been marvelous with my lovely ladies and good classes. I rode in an ambulance for the first time because of an emergency on my hall, and spent most of the night with my new friend Jake hanging out with a Jehovahs Witness delusional homeless man in a wheelchair, and watching Crocodile Dundee meets Los Angeles. Made it home around 5am singing Katy Perry and drinking orange Sobe, in time to get a whole two hours of sleep before my first marketing class. I woke up 30 minutes late, and ran to class without a pencil or paper. so i had to write everything in blue crayola marker. then i slept a lot that day :) I took some of my girls to dinner, then to the cliffs to watch the sunset and to see the tide pools, then we had our first small group.

Overall, it's been a pensive couple of days. My personal wellness class was about forgiveness and all around well-being. I'm really enjoying examining all the pieces of my life, seeing where I've been unhealthy spiritually and emotionally lately. Very fitting class for me right now.

Jaime and I got library cards at the local library, and I am reading a Thousand Splendid Suns. It's an amazing book that looks into the lives of woman in Afghanistan the past fifty years.
We went swimming in the ocean today, practicing for our surfing swim test next tuesday. I need to start doing a lot of push ups to get some arm strength, I'm weak as a baby. The sun was scorching, and I'm back at work now, enjoying the sound of the Sea World fireworks and eating watermelon. Though I really want to rinse the sand off, i didn't get a shower after the beach.

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