Sunday, August 30, 2009

Free car washes and some Buffalo Exchanges

The first weekend of the year has been eventful as of now. Bobby B's fiesta was a bust, so instead Jaime, Nat and I took the hall to Santana's for food and some good jukebox music. Then we overdosed on sugar and watched 27 dresses. Quite a good movie, especially with the lines, "I'm your sister." "That was yesterday. Today you're just some bitch who broke my heart and cut up my mother's wedding dress."

Jaime and I ran around today in PB and La Jolla until we found a coffeshop to do our homework in. We ended up in a random Japanese owned one with great chai and a customer who brought her really loud talking bird that stayed the whole time we did. Jaime sold some stuff back to Buffalo Exchange, and we ran around some more. Then the car wash happened. My father set a rule that I have to keep my car washed, and so when my family decided to come see me tonight, I had to do something. We went to a place on Sports Arena, and the thing quit halfway through. So I went in and they gave me the premium wash. Very exciting with cotton candy colored foam... It was my first time doing that myself, so I had a blast.

I realized that I have bad dreams almost every night now. Some nights are worse than others. Last night was particularly bad. I don't know why I've been given a wild dream imagination, but it's not always the best thing. I long for a peaceful night, free of anxiety and waking up every half hour. That time will come soon enough, I'm sure :)

I was able to look at pictures of you today.
It didn't bother me as much.
To be disconnected. But to keep things simple around others.
I wonder what it will be like
when I'm forced to put the pieces back together.
Will my dreams come true?
Will it all be magical?
Or is it just a false hope...

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