Monday, August 10, 2009

headache? check.

Who knew a day could fly by so quickly? I woke up this morning feeling like throwing up because of what was said last night, followed by going back to sleep and having insane dreams. But God is a good God, one of healing and forgiveness. I listened to a sermon on Jacob today, and spent some time in Psalms 136. Both very encouraging. I want to have the strength to forgive and love like Jacob.

Natalie and Adam hung out with me today, which was just what I needed. I was a bit afraid Adam was going to cut off a limb with the tiny hacksaw I bought for decorating, but he's still intact. Home Depot is also the most confusing store ever. The quickest way to get out is to ask where every item is on your list individually, trying to ask a different employee for each one. Two trips today was more than enough to last for a while, though that's not likely.

It really sucks having every bad thing you've done in a while be brought to your attention. To realize you have single handedly ruined something that should have been amazing and beautiful. Hopefully everything got out in the open today, I deserved it all. Maybe now healing can truly begin. Everyday shows me more how destructive walking apart from God for the past year has been. I love that I actually can hear God again. That I can absorb a sermon and apply it without fear of giving parts of my life up to God. God has to take every part of me, because I just screw everything up; last year, case in point.

I feel so overwhelmed with all the things that still need to be done in the dorm, but I'm going to be a good student and apply all the principles I learned in Management class. Delegate, delegate, delegate. But work can continue in the morning, it's creepy being the only one awake in the lower floors. I keep imagining weird people hiding in one of the many open rooms, and had to shut an emergency exit that had been propped open...

Time for sleep. Peaceful once again.


  1. i love you miss erin. God is going to bless this year and you are going to grow and do so many great things. Embrace the crazy, cling to the hope, and find joy in simplicity. I am so thankful for you.

  2. Hey seems like we may be two people who are intensely similar. I too have learned that walking away from God isn't such a good idea...i'm currently struggling with a lot of stuff..and it's hard. It's hard to be close with him sometimes...but he's the only one that can help us! I miss you so much...i hope you continue to blog while i'm in Europe...i can't imagine not knowing what's going on in your life need to keep us updated. lol. I LOVE YOU ERIN

  3. You both are wonderful. Dana, I am so thankful for you too. You bless my life every day :)

    John, it's amazing how our life stories can parallel sometimes. When everything falls apart, all we can cling to is that God is good, and He knows what He's doing. I miss you and can't wait to hear about all the amazing things you're doing abroad :)
