Saturday, August 15, 2009

Taken? You mean the white Man on Fire?

I'm back from a few days in Tecate, Mexico, and what a trip it was. Several things really stuck out to me this weekend that I didn't expect, and God showed me some stuff that I really needed to see.

The first thing was freedom from the world I'm stuck in. Life has become so centered around electronic communication and forms of entertainment that we forget to enjoy life in the present with the people we're surrounded by. It was great to work alongside people I probably wouldn't have met otherwise, and to get to know them as more than just a face and a name. The slow life of Mexico was a shock to a lot of our busy lives, just learning how to be still and silent in the midst of chaos. The only music while we were down there was worship music in Spanish, my all time favorite. I've spent enough time down there to have developed a true love of listening to and singing worship songs in another language, because it's such a solid reminder of how big God is. He is the God of every tongue and every nation, and His name is praised in so many different ways outside of our modern church setting.

The second was examining loving and Godly relationships between a few married couples that were on the trip. It blew my mind at how long it's been since I've seen that, and reminded me how much I desire that kind of relationship. With both people focused on God and completely happy and at ease with life and one another.. everything was so peaceful. It made me glad to have the space to think about how my life has not lined up with that, about where I went wrong. I think I came to a few conclusions, and I'm so glad I've given everything back to God and stopped trying to have a relationship my way instead of His. It's so freeing. I'm set on praying everyday that God would allow me to grow into a woman of God who is worthy of a relationship like that. And that He would not allow me to be with anyone short of someone who wants the same.

It's nice to have a day of rest before jumping into the grind again. And amazing to be clean and showered :) I'm excited to work with all the wonderful women on my team, even when we're tired and fed up with everything.

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